Contribution to Service

A.1) Initial Infrastructure and Man Power:

Indoor: It started with 5 beds for inpatients and two days for visit to “Out Patient Department” (OPD)/week on Monday and Friday.

Man Power: Two faculty level physicians (1 each Professor and an Asst. Professor), 2 Lab Technicians and other required paramedical staffs.

Laboratory services: (Hb%, DC, TLC, TPC, Peripheral Blood Smear, Bone Marrow evaluation, PT, aPTTetc) provided that time were based on manual evaluation only.

A.2) Developments after I assumed the In-charge of this Department (1.5.2003)

DrNB Course in Clinical Haematology: I was instrumental in opening this Haematology course with two seats approved by National Medical Commission (NMC) since 2021.

Indoor: The bed strength has increased from 5 beds to 20 beds.

Man Power: Two additional faculty post (Assoc. Professor-1 & Asst. Professor-1), one post of Senior Resident, Twoadditional Laboratory Technicians, twenty additional Nurse post were created.

Laboratory Services: This laboratory was converted to a high-end referral laboratory by installation of many state-of-the art equipments and got recognition at National level. All these equipments were essential and first of its kind in the entire state of Odisha including Private hospital. These developments revolutionized the diagnosis and management of serious hematological disease in our state.

Progressive Increase in Patient Turnover of
Department of Clinical Hematology in Last 11 Years

Year OPD IPD Day Care Centre BMT Laboratory
2003-04 1445 308 - - 1106
2006-07 2933 892 - - 1513
2011-12 7696 1247 - - 12160
2012-13 7070 1667 - - 19407
2013-14 9724 1567 1283 - 15020
2014-15 11904 1724 2753 9 20060
2015-16 16750 2107 5392 15 22037
2016-17 21922 2724 5625 18 23776
2017-18 25743 2620 8106 12 25308
2018-19 24681 2780 9429 - 28548
2019-20 30269 3307 12764 17 35146
2020-21 24403 3127 8049 11 26814
2021-22 23797 2650 7484 19 30996

B. Major Advances in Developing Expertise and Modern Approaches of Treatment:

Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit (BMT): One unit was created and has been under operation since April of 2014. It has two BMT rooms with HEPA filter system with all the State-of-the-art facilities including Stem Cell Aphaeresis, Controlled Rate Freezer, Liquid Nitrogen storage system etc. Several positions including one Assistant Professor, one Senior Resident, one Lab Technician, Six Nurses and two Nursing attendants were created in the initial phase. To efficiently run this unit, I received expert training in the BMT Unit of the Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation at the University of Minnesota, USA under the leadership and mentorship of Linda Burns, MD, Ex-President of the American Society of Hematology (ASH). For the training, I was supported partly by ASH under their Competitive Visitors Training Program (VTP) meant to develop expertise in an established program and then transport it to our parent organization. To increase the efficiency and competency for the success of the newly developed BMT program at SCBMC, we also trained four staff nurses and two Lab Technician in BMT unit of Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata with the support of Govt. of Odisha State.

        Till date, we have beenable to successfully perform 116 cases of BMT. Our program has been highly successful, because we could successfully transplant 5 elderly (> 65 years age) Multiple Myeloma patients with the eldest being 74 years of age, by efficiently mobilizing adequate Stem Cell in very low stem cell count (9.6/µL) following plerixafor injection and prior treatment with multiple regiments. All these achievements have been published in reputed journals. Importantly, we are providing BMT free of cost (which is an exemplary in the entire country) to all the patients by the support of Govt. of Odisha state. Recently BMT has been done in Lymphoma cases. Sibling Allogenic BMT has been done in three cases so far (till November 2022): One case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, one case of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and one case of Severe Aplastic Anemia. In fact this BMT unit is the only State Govt. Hospital in the entire country to have such state-of-the-art facilities with above mentioned distinctions and that to the BMT is provided to the patients completely free of cost.Hon’ble CM of Odisha has congratulated SCB Medical College on five occasions for this achievement in BMT.

Day Care Centre: A Day Care Centre with 20 beds has been created since April 17th 2013. This function from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM form Monday to Saturday which caters comprehensive services to patients with Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Hemophilia and various hematological cancer patients. It has separate team of healthcare professionals, but it is run under my direct supervision.

New State-of-the art Equipment:The departmental laboratory has sophisticated state of the art equipment of International standards in our hematology laboratory including automation and new instrumental like Fully Automated Capillary Hb Electrophoresis (Sebia), Fully Automated Protein Electrophoresis with Immunotyping (Sebia), Light Chain Assay (Binding Site), Flow Cytometry (BD Facs Canto-II) providing services like Total Acute Leukemia Panel, C.LL Panel, HLAB27, PNH Clone, CD34 enumeration / estimation etc, research microscope and other related equipments etc. This well-equipped laboratory is the first of its kind in the Odisha State.

Inclusion of Drugs in Essential Drug Lists of Govt. of Odisha: Drugs like Iron Chelation (Deferasirox), Folvite for Thalassaemia Patients, Hydroxyurea for Sickle Cell patients, Factor VIII and IX concentrated for haemophilias and anti-cancer drugs are included as Essential Drug list of Govt. of Odisha, following my recommendation and persuasion. All these drugs were given free to all these difficult patients of our state and other neighboring states attending to our hospital during initial time when universal free healthcare system in Odisha was not implemented.

C. Distribution of Free Medicines worth of Crores to the Patients of Odisha State by World Hemophilia Federation/ Hemophilia Federation of India (HFI) / MAX Foundation / Different Pharma Industries:

I was instrumental in convincing the World Hemophilia Federation / Hemophilia Federation of India (HFI) to provide expensive factor- VIII and IX concentrates to be used by our patients of Hemophilia. (Copy Annexed)

I was one of the recognized Haematologist of the country by the MAX foundation to recommend the free supply of Glivac to our poor blood cancer patients (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia) since more than 10 years. Many patients lives have been saved by these expensive medicines worth of crores. (Copy Annexed)

I was instrumental in requesting the then Secretary, Health & f. W. Department, Govt. of Odisha to convene one meeting among the willing pharma industry to contribute medicines free of cost which will be utilized for our poor patients undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantations. (Copy Annexed). This was one of the reason for which we could provide BMT free of cost for the first time in the entire country.

D. Reorganization of Government of India and Government of Odisha State:

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India has selected me as one of the expert contributors for preparation of National Health Mission Guideline on Hemoglobinopathies (Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Disease and other variant Hemoglobin’s) in India in the year 2016.

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, (Blood Cell- NHM Division) Govt. of India has selected me as one of the member to the committee assigned to deliberate on the modalities and to vet the guideline for Hemophilia vide order No. F.NO.Z.18015/05/2015-NBC Dated 7th June 2017.

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, (Blood Cell- NHM Division) Govt. of India has selected me as one of the member to the expert committee for preparation of National Policy on Thalassaemia and other Hemoglobinopathies vide order No. F.NO.Z.28015/103/2015-NBC Dated 8th August 2017.

Department of Health and Family Welfare Dept. Govt. of Odishahas selected me as one of the expert member to the Blood Task Force functioning under National Health Mission, Govt. of Odisha reasonable for policy decision regarding safety, optimal utilization of blood and preparation of guidelines regarding comprehensive control and management of congenital blood disease (Thalassaemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Hemophilia, etc) in Odisha State.

E. Professional Position:

President, ISHBT for the year 2019-20

Secretary, Indian College of Haematology (ICH) since 2019

Secretary, EasterHematology Group

Secretary, Odisha Hematology

FISHBT (Fellow of Indian Society of Haematology & Blood Transfusion)

Member of National Cancer Guideline 2019 for formulation of protocol for Adult Hematolymphoid Malignancies

Expert in Contributing NHM guideline 2016 for Hemoglobinopathy, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India

Committee Member for preparation of guideline for Haemophilia by Ministry of Health (Blood Cell NHM Division) , Govt. of India vide order No. F.NO.Z.18015/05/2015-NBC Dated 7th June 2017

Member to the expert committee for preparation of National Policy on Thalassaemia and other Hemoglobinopathies vide order No. F.NO.Z.28015/103/2015-NBC Dated 8th August 2017, Ministry of Health (Blood Cell- NHM Division) Govt. of India

Committee Member for Blood Task Force NHM, Govt. of Odisha since 2016

Member of Advisory Board of Indian Journal of Haematology & Blood Transfusion since January 2003

Acted as President, vice-president, Treasurer and National Executive Member of Indian Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine since January 2003

Referee for evaluation of research paper for Indian Journal of Haematology and Blood Transfusion since January 2003

MCI Inspector

DM Clinical Hematology Examiner

PhD. Examiner

F. Contribution to Research:
Research Publication:
International - 20
National - 40
Book Chapter - 2
Landmark - 4
Extensive research work done in the field of Hematology including Sickle Cell Disease and Acute Leukemias.

In one of his landmark work he has proved by performing one prospective study among Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) (Homozygous) with pregnancy that the successful pregnancy is possible in 80% of cases with zero maternal mortality if proper management can be provided in a tertiary care centre.

He has again proved by another unique study that low fixed dose (10mg/kg/day) of hydroxyurea can be very much effective in controlling vaso-occlusive crisis and pack red cell transfusion requirement in (SCD Homozygous) albeit less requirement of finance and hematological monitoring and cytopenias.

In another important study Dr. R. K. Jena proved that the incidence of hypodiploidycytogenic abnormalities is more common than western counter parts in paediatric ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia) patients (40% Vs 8%). In other study it is proved that the incidence of structural secondary chromosomal abnormalities (other than translocations) is more common in Indian Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) patients. The response to therapy in both paediatric ALL and AML patients are poor which could be due to the above mentioned abnormalities in the cytogenic and a different strategy may be required in our patients in India.

Co-guide (Co-Supervisor/ Co-Mentor) for many post graduates of Medicine and Pathology disciplines.

Involve as co-investigators in more than six multi institutional study in the diseases like Aplastic Anaemia, Hemoglobinopathies, SCD, ALL, Mutation in β Thalassaemia etc

G. Contribution to Professional Organizations:

Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHBT): It is the main registered professional body of hematologist of India involved in continued Medical Education Programme, up-gradation of standards of haematology, research activities, patients counseling and education programme guidance and overall patient’s management of hematology etc. in India. I have served as a member of Executive Committee of ISHBT since 2000 till date as different capacities like Executive member, Treasurer and Vice President.

President Elect of ISHBT for 2017-18, President in the year 2018-19. Past-President for 2019-20.

Indian College of Haematology (ICH): Founder Member and the key person who conceived the idea of forming ICH which is the academic wing of ISHBT. Got elected as Secretary of ICH since 2019 and performing all the work and the responsibility related to the academic activities of ICH.

Eastern Hematology Group (EHG): It is another registered professional body of Hematologists belonging to 11 states of Eastern India. Its main function is like that of ISHBT with main objective of outreach in every part of Eastern India. I am the founder member and Secretary of EHG since its inception in November 2014 till date.

Odisha Hematology: It is another registered professional body among the hematologists of Odisha State with similar function like that of ISHBT with focus and every part of Odisha state. I am the founder member of this organization and performing with all responsibilities of Secretary since beginning by 1st Sept. 2012 vide Regd. No. 23410/34 of 2012-13 till date.

Contribution with Patient Interest Groups: I have contributed as technical expert to various patients organization including but not limited to Hemophilia chapters of Odisha state, Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Disease Organization managed by patients and parents in organizing various camps for Screening Awareness, Education and Treatment in different parts of Odisha State. I have also contributed as a technical expert to various national patient bodies including Hemophilia Federation of India (HFI) and Federation of India Thalassaemia (FIT) and function as a member in their respective technical committee.
In collaboration with various patients groups of Odisha State, I have organized social activities every year from 2012 to 2017: World Thalassaemia Day on 7th May and World Hemophilia Day on 17th April and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Survivor Day on 22nd September of each year.
In each social activity one rally among the patients, relatives, public, social celebrities are organized and I have contributed as a technical expert for improving awareness, optimal health care maintenance and optimal utilization of various Government schemes available in our State and Country.

H. Organization of Various National and International Conferences:

64th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Haematology& Blood Transfusion (ISHBT) (HAEMATOCON-2023), 2-5, November 2022, Bhubaneswar: Organizing Secretary

63rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Haematology& Blood Transfusion (ISHBT) (HAEMATOCON-2022), 3-6, November 2022, Kolkata: I was instrumental in the success of this conference and executed my responsibility as Organizing Chairperson.

3rd Global Congress on Sickle Cell Disease in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 21-24, February 2017. This congress is the leading International Meeting for Sickle Cell Disease, held every three years in a different country. It is attended by experts in SCD research, healthcare, advocacy and by patients. This was the most successful meeting compared to others and brought the global attention of alarmingly large numbers of SCD patients in India. It was organized under the auspices of Odisha Hematology in collaboration with Global Sickle Cell Disease Network. As the Organizing Secretary, I led the organization including mobilization of funds for participation of stake holders within India and strong participation of the State and Central leadership in India.

As Organizing Secretary, I also hosted International CME on Lymphoma, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma in Odisha in the year 2009, 2010, 2011 respectively.

Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Annual Conference of Indian Society of Hematology & Blood Transfusion (ISHBT) in the year 2000 in Bhubaneswar Odisha.

Organizing Secretary of Annual Conference of ISHBT in the Year 2012 held in Puri, Odisha.

I was instrumental (Organizing Secretary of ISHBT for the year 2012 and Vide President of ISHBT in finalizing the involvement of two International Hematology Organizations like American Society of Hematology (ASH) and European Hematology Association (EHA) during the Annual meet of ISHBT in Puri, Odisha in the year 2012.
It was made possible to initiate academic activities like joint symposium of ISHBT- ASH-ISHBT-EHA during this annual meet of ISHBT which is a regular since then.

I have organized many CME’s and Conferences on Hematological diseases in different part of Odisha State in 2-3 times a year by inviting reputed International and National faculties.

I. Contribution to Education:

I have also contributed towards CME / Education and sharing my research experience among Post Graduates and colleagues across the country and outside the country.In addition to didactic and beside teaching on hematological disease for undergraduate / Post Graduate Medical students, I have organized updates(both National and International) on hematology every year since 2004 till 2018 among the post graduate / undergraduate medical students and doctors of both Odisha and other states. International and National expert faculty were included in deliberating on recent developments in hematology. To encourage the participation the registration charges are always waived out for medical students.

Other Academic activities to create innovative programs for Trainees:

Thesis for Post Graduate Students: Many Post Graduates from various disciplines like Medicine, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, etc have conducted research in our department which have been documented as their Post- Graduate Thesis and get evaluated by external examiners from other institutions. As a research mentor, I have contributed by guiding/ supervising/Co-supervising many trainees.

J. Contribution at National Level:

During Haematocon-2012 at Puri, Odisha single handedly negotiated and achieved the joint collaboration between ISHBT and American Society of Hematology (ASH) and ISHBT – European Haematology Association (EHA). Since then every year this joint collaborative research activity is happening during annual conference (Haematocon – 2022).

Dr. Jena is an important member of the Advocacy team of ISHBT and EHG. Took initiative and achieved in developing in creating and up-grading the Clinical Hematology services in many parts of the country like Odisha, BHU, Raipur, North East, Calicut etc.

Instrumental in finalizing the collaboration of ISHBT and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for research and management of blood disorders in India.

Created one National ICH – ICMR Guidelines on Sickle Cell Disease with responsibility as Nodal Officer. This much needed guideline will be immensely helpful for the country.

Started the state of the art diagnostic facilities and management of all blood diseases including all types of blood cancer in Odisha state. This benefited immensely for poor patients and the flow of the patients from Odisha to other state reduced significantly.

Started BMT procedure in the Govt. hospital which was free to all the patients by support of Govt. of Odisha. This benefited the poor patients who could have never availed this curative option outside the state. Our BTM unit created few National records including conducting the eldest patient (Mr. Jabar Khan, male, 74 years old) in the country. This also encouraged Govt. Hospitals of other states to follow us and compiled the private / corporate hospitals to reduce the cost of the BMT. We have conducted highest no. of the BMT among the Govt. hospitals in the entire eastern India.

Advisor to Ministry of Health / MoTA regarding blood diseases like Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia, Hemophilia.

Contributed as faculty in various National CMEs and Workshops: It has educated many medical students and young hematologists to serve the hematological patients in better way.